I was so excited to see this new document from the Congregation of the Clergy on Twitter this morning! There is little written on the…

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain was a big revelation to me during lockdown. Somehow it felt…

For some time a few weeks ago, the daily Mass readings followed Elijah in 1 Kings. There’s something about Elijah that speaks deeply to me.…

战斗星球安卓版下载- 全方位下载:2021-1-30 · 拳皇命运手游体验服破解版 拳皇命运手游无敌变态版 拳皇命运手游无限能量金币钻石版 腾讯拳皇命运破解版下载 腾讯拳皇命运手游 火柴人大战2 青龙偃月刀手游破解版 青龙偃月刀手游sf 我的世界1.0.6.0正式版 我的世界1.0.6.0中文版

One of the things I’ve heard people comment time and again during lockdown is the adventurous serendipity with which they can attend Mass online at…

So many of us have experienced plenty of cancelled plans this spring. For me, I should have been in Rome this past weekend. It is…

Nearly Four Years Later…
I wrote back in October 2016 about a new PhD project I was undertaking. Now, nearly four years later, it’s submitted (hooray!) and I am…
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